19 Jun

Prescription medication for anxiety and panic is not the only kind of anxiety treatment. There are a lot of alternative medications for treating both anxiety and depression. Antidepressants, tranquilizers, and anxiolytics are some of the commonly prescribed medications that can effectively treat the symptoms of anxiety or depression. 

Some benzodiazepines, in particular, have been associated with potentially lethal side effects, so these medications should only be prescribed under strict medical supervision.
In addition to medication, there are also some forms of cognitive behavioral therapy available for use as an anxiety treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy may include various types of counseling. This type of counseling can be very helpful when used in conjunction with prescription medications. Therapy may help patients identify the specific triggers that cause their anxiety attacks, as well as what causes their fear of having future attacks.

Prescription anxiety treatments usually work fairly quickly, although some people take longer to respond to medications. The common options for relieving anxiety include benzodiazepines. These benzodiazepines are generally used to ease symptoms of anxiety in the short-term. Overuse of benzodiazepines has been linked with potentially fatal conditions such as renal failure.

Buspirone is a prescription benzodiazepine that was originally developed to treat patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders. It is now used for treating generalized anxiety disorder. What sets buspirone apart from other benzodiazepines is that it does not act on the brain's serotonin system like many other benzodiazepines do. Because buspirone is non-stimulant, it does not affect serotonin production in the brain. Instead, buspirone works by altering the neurochemistry of the brain, affecting different areas at different times. For example, it can increase in alpha brain waves in the amygdala, which is responsible for anxiety in the short term. Here is more  information about these services.

SSRIs often used in conjunction with buspirone, as they have an additional effect on the brain. The SSRIs help to alleviate depression and provide treatment for anxiety and mood disorders. SSRIs are most commonly used for mild to moderate depression, while SNRIs are commonly used in cases of more severe depression. Because of their dual effect, SSRIs often used in combination with buspirone.
If you are interested in getting some additional help for your anxiety and stress, you may be interested in trying some of the newer, alternative anti-anxiety medications. Before starting any type of anti-anxiety medication, it is strongly recommended that you talk with your anxiety specialist  and a licensed healthcare provider.

 These alternative medications do not necessarily have to be drugs, but they are often prescribed along with one or another of the previously mentioned benzodiazepines. These newer, alternative anti-anxiety medications can help you get rid of some of your anxiety symptoms and are usually much easier on the body than benzodiazepines. However, these medications come with their own set of potential side effects.  Learn more about anxiety here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxiety

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